The research conducted by LIFE CUBOMED project highligts that phosphate and nitrate released by urban sewage may have been promoting the growth and reproduction of Carybdea marsupialis box jellyfish in the Mediterranean coasts.
The investigations and results presented during the special session on the biology, ecology and management of box jellyfish contributed to the exchange of knowledge and experiences between researchers around the world. Special attention was dedicated to the management proposals and the mitigation of the risk for the human health and also for the ecosystem.
On 14th July 2016, LIFE CUBOMED project participated in a meeting on LIFE 2016 program. This event was organized by Cámara Valencia, Red de Institutos Tecnológicos, SEIMED and Generalitat Valenciana, and was celebrated in Paterna. Some of the assistants were representants of the LIFE programme in Spain (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente), as well as the responsables of European founding in the Generalitat Valenciana. After an introduction about the new regulatory frame in LIFE 2016 programme, the results of more than 20 projects already developing in the Valencian Community were exposed, including LIFE CUBOMED project.