LIFE CUBOMED project objectives:
Develop a method and a technique for the detection and quantification of Carybdea marsupialis in order to find some solutions to reduce the population of box jellyfish and their growth rate. |
Clarify what are the environmental and ecological characteristics that could promote the exponential growth of the populations of C. marsupialis. |
Study the consequences of the massive proliferation of C. marsupialis for the ecosystem equilibrium. |
Develop a methodology for evaluating the risk of invasion of C. marsupialis in a concrete area. |
Propose preventive and corrective measures in order to reduce the risk of invasion of C. marsupialis in a concrete area. |
Develop protocols for early detection the presence of C. marsupialis en coastal waters. |
Propose improvement and restoration actions in coastal ecosystems of Denia for reducing the population of C. marsupialis and their growth. |
Inform the local and general public, regional and national authorities (included the european Mediterranean countries) about the impacts on the biodiversity produced by the masive proliferations of C. marsupialis and offer concrete actions for preventing this proliferations. |